Sunday reflection...

Sunday reflection...thinking of the evolution of values and morals over time, specifically loyalty. In a time of "I" and "me", have we lost the true meaning of loyalty to others or are we, as a people, still pretty steadfast and considerate of others and their feelings? Are we standing by our causes, friends, family, etc. when they've been wronged...?

Sunday reflection...

Sunday reflection... How many people do you actually see each day? Surely we see numerous amounts of people every day...but how many of those people do you actually SEE? After spending the last several days visiting family at a physical rehabilitation facility, I observed several elders...alone. Certainly there were family members visiting but one of the things I observed made me think about how many people we pass by each day without truly seeing them. Elders lined the hallways...some in catatonic stupors, some in that state only until I interacted with them. They lit up when they were engaged in a conversation...or a simple acknowledgment of their presence. Just a Sunday observation...a question. How many people do YOU see each day?

Sunday reflection...

Sunday reflection... It's in my nature to want to understand the "why". This year, especially, I've learned that it's not always that simple. Sometimes, there is no least not yet... To be a genuinely kind character, is to be kind hearted, at all times, to everyone, even when nobody is watching...especially then. Of course there are times when we face disagreement and conflict, but there is a way to handle even those times, with kindness. I've wondered why someone would treat someone poorly...someone who has shown them love and respect...Why someone would, in addition, kick them while they're down. It can be complex but this year, especially, I've learned that it's a reflection of who they are...not the recipient of the treatment. Wishing them well...